
How To Surprise Decorate A Hotel Room

Tin can you recall the last fourth dimension a business surprised you? I tin. In this article I share what you and your business concern tin can practise to turn customers into raving fans and guests.

Once every couple weeks when I'g craving Mexican food, I head over to Tijuana Flats in Daytona Beach, FL. You probably take a spot like this in your town, with good food and great beer. However this joint is different.

This establishment is has a "superlative secret sauce" that many businesses should admire and follow. The secret is the owner, Josh Fogarty and his team. He's one of those people that is ever smile and constantly welcoming his customers as they walk into his eating house. He knows most everyone and if he doesn't, by the end of their meal, he will.

On top of his exemplary hospitality, I have witnessed him surprise patrons with complimentary nachos, drinks and even full meals. This treatment cannot be forgotten. People call up these acts and plow into loyal customers, for life!

What if we surprised our customers, what would happen? Would they tell their friends, family or millions on the internet. I'm pretty sure most practiced-hearted people would.

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Equally long equally it'due south not a wing on their nutrient or a stained bed canvass in their hotel room, our guests generally love surprises. Surprises give customers a feeling that they got more what they paid for. These extra touches make them experience that you care about them and went out of your fashion to make them happy. Surprises make people feel that you are genuinely grateful to have them as your customers.

So what are you doing to surprise your guests?

I've noticed a lot of small business owners (and large) are non seeing the marketing and customer experience advantages of surprising and delighting their customers. Probably because of i major misconception –

Keeping customers actress happy is expensive or too difficult.

It'south really not! You don't have to requite out high-end premium items like iPads or chocolate covered strawberries to wow them. In fact, small business owners and hoteliers like ourselves are in a perfect identify to surprise and delight our guests. Why? Because we can accept a more intimate relationship with them and have more opportunities to connect with them on a personal level.

Hither are some ways you lot tin can surprise and delight your customers.

  1. Offer Something Costless. Everyone likes freebies! No thing how small your gift may be, your customers will surely appreciate the gesture. A canteen of water or cold drinkable upon arrival. A local Italian eating place often asks me if I would similar a gratuitous beverage while I look for my accept out. – This is a corking memorable surprise.
  2. Waive the Extra Charges. This is a favorite amid many customers. Waiving the extra costs is a not bad manner to delight your customers too equally build loyalty. Maybe you take off the Resort Fee, Safety Fee or Delivery Charges for particular guests.
  3. Spend Fourth dimension. When guests walk into your lobby, they wait that y'all won't spend a whole lot of time with them. Take them past surprise past actually getting to know them, heed and then recommend local hot spots or your favorite restaurant. Only get to know your patrons.
  4. Upgrades. If y'all run a hotel, give your loyal guests a free room upgrade every once in a while. If y'all're an online retailer, surprise your customers and upgrade them to priority shipping.
  5. Wish them Luck. It sounds unconventional, but giving your customers a lottery ticket is a bang-up manner to surprise them. Who know? You lot might be giving out a lottery ticket that will eventually change someone's life.

    Example: At check-in, strike upwardly a conversation with your guest. And so ask them "if they had one wish, what would it be." In my experience, a bulk of guests wish they could win the lottery or have a million bucks. Well, there yous go. Surprise them with a lucky scratch off ticket and wish them luck!
  6. Personalize. Customers these days are getting done with the cookie cutter business concern arroyo. If you actually care virtually them, y'all would spend fourth dimension and resources to personalize their feel with your brand. Customized giveaway items such every bit,'s Custom Candy Wrapper PDF Template is the perfect example of an inexpensive mode to delight.

  7. Welcome Telephone Calls. You lot have no idea how big of an affect a simple call tin brand in terms of building a relationship with your customers. Personally call guests you lot just checked in and confirm that everything in their room meets their expectations.

    And if they say.. all is ok… then offer further assistance with a wake up call request, recommendations for local area or offering an automatic email express checkout.
    Download: Welcome Call Template here

  8. Deals. Transport your nearly loyal customers exclusive admission to coupon codes and discounts that they can use with their side by side purchase in your shop or next stay at your hotel.
  9. Special Occasions. Phone call them on their birthday. Surprise moms with an e-bill of fare on Female parent'due south Day. Send a carte du jour nearly the holidays. Remembering your customers during these special occasions will convey to your customers that yous are sincere nigh building a connection with them.
  10. Conceptualize. Some other dandy way to surprise and delight your customers is to anticipate their needs. For example, if you know the itinerary of your hotel guests and you see that they're hiking, you can surprise them by leaving a bag of trail mix in their room with a note that says – "Simply in case you lot need a boost on your hike today." At present, isn't that a prissy surprise?

    Or sunblock lotion for coastal hotels. Ice scrapers for those of your in cold climates.

  11. Postcard or Handwritten Notes. People honey getting postcards! A few days subsequently staying at your hotel, send your guests a handwritten note and signed from a couple members of your staff.
  12. VIP. Earlier launching a new product or a new promotion to the general public, ask your existing customers to come to an exclusive event to become showtime dibs on your new offerings. For hotels, invites guests to take a VIP experience in your newly renovated rooms.

Make your guests experience appreciated by giving them something across the usual when they least look information technology. You'll be surprised with the positive impact these techniques volition bring to your business organization.... More Positive Reviews, More Revenue, Repeat Customers…… the list goes on.

What are some means you surprise and delight your customers? Comment below.Have a successful day!

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